Eye liner Styles and Eye makeup Ideas For Girls | Arabic, Cat and Wing Liner Styles

Eyes are very essential part of our body and it is too much important to makeup your eyes classy. If eyes are not looking well, then definitely you are also not looking good. So you want to change your entire look? then design your eyes WONDERFUL !! I'm always in beautiful eyes makeup specially Arabic makeup, Arabic makeup is my favorite. it gives you a unique and different look. By using popular tips and tricks, you can also make arabic eyes at home with some tools. it is not difficult, but is seems so. Don't need to worry, our article is about it and you will become a makeup artist after visiting our post !
Everyone know MAKEUP is Magic and this magic is incomplete without eyes makeup. there are a lot of styles of eyes makeup. In Eyes Makeup, we all love linear styles. you know that liner is the major thing in eye makeup and without a proper liner, our eye makeup is incomplete and inaccurate !
Cat liner, Drop liner , open wings liner are the best liner popular around the globe.

Arabic Eyes | Arabic Style liner Makeup

Cat Style liner Eyes  | Cat Eyes Makeup

 Wing Liner Eyes Makeup